of the

Presbyterian and Reformed Church
in Italy

I. Convictions

The Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Italy (hereafter CPRI) is a communion of Presbyterian and Reformed churches that affirm their complete submission and obedience to Holy Scripture. We believe that the Word of God is the infallible and authoritative revelation of God’s truth and is therefore our only rule of faith and life. We further believe, with full persuasion, that the
Reformed Confessions are in full agreement with the Word of God. Accordingly, we confess the Three Formulas of Unity (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgian Confession of Faith and the Canons of Dort) and the Westminster Canons (the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Greater and Lesser Catechisms). The CPRI, while remaining distinct, voluntarily manifest their unity through these confessional documents.

II. Mission

We are deeply committed to the propagation of the Gospel of Christ and the Reformed faith in Italy. Our churches share a common commitment to honour Christ and multiply his disciples through the faithful and constant administration of the ordinary means of grace in the local church, the preaching of the Word of God (both the law and the gospel), the administration of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as well as the practice of prayer and the communion of saints. In more specific terms, the aim of the CPRI is the foundation of a Reformed and Presbyterian denominational denomination in Italy.

III. Cooperation

Although our churches are distinct from each other, they are connected to each other. Our unity is expressed through our cooperation and mutual encouragement. Together we collaborate on common initiatives and projects, such as, for example, the publication of Reformed material in Italian, both in print and digital format, its dissemination via our website, and the organisation of regular conferences nationwide. For our mutual encouragement, we promote fraternal activities such as the exchange of the pulpit among pastors, the shared administration of the Lord’s Supper, and through other useful ways for the manifestation of our unity.

IV. Executive Board

The Governing Council of the CPRI consists of all pastors and elders of the churches, who may only cast one vote in decision-making. The Board will meet at least once a year in presence and at least once a year virtually, for training and administrative purposes. The chairman of the Board of Governors will be a leader (minister or elder) of the church who, from time to time, will organise the meeting of the Board of Governors. Otherwise, for practical purposes, the secretary may remain in office for an indefinite period. With regard to the annexation and expulsion of churches, as well as the amendment of these Articles of Association, an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the member churches is required. For all other actions and decisions in pursuit of the mission of the CPRI, the affirmative vote of a majority of the member churches (50% +1) is required.

V. Jurisdiction

As CPRI is not yet a denomination, federation or synodical or presbyteral assembly, it does not possess any ecclesiastical power to exercise biblical discipline in the local church, nor can it ordain ministers, elders and deacons. No church shall lord it over other churches in any way, nor shall any tenant lord it over another tenant.

VI. Membership

Participation in the CPRI is a matter of strictly voluntary choice. Any Reformed or Presbyterian church may be accepted into the CPRIs provided that its leaders (ministers and elders) have been duly ordained, have subscribed to the Three Unity Formulas or the Westminster Canons, and comply with the articles of this Statute. Such a church shall be accepted into the CPRI with the approval of the Board of Directors. The churches adhering to the CPRI will equally commit themselves to participate in the foundation of the future Reformed and Presbyterian denomination in Italy, in order to become part of it.

December 12, 2022

Approved by:

Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia di Novate Milanese
Chiesa Riformata di Perugia
Chiesa Presbiteriana Pietra Vivente di Lecce
Chiesa Riformata del Trasimeno


I. 7/3/2022

II. 12/12/2022